Literatura o 101 abn

Poniższy spis pozycji książkowych szczególnie polecamy osobom chcącym zasilić szeregi Naszej grupy jak i wszystkim chcącym zdobyć czy też pogłębić posiadaną już wiedzę o 101-szej Dywizji Powietrzno-Desantowej (i nie tylko). Znajdziecie w nich zarówno informacje o sprzęcie jak i umundurowaniu stosowanym przez amerykańskie wojska powietrzno-desantowe w czasie II Wojny Światowej.

Literatura anglojęzyczna:

Larry Alexander

101 airborne, logoIn the Footsteps of the Band of Brothers

John Andrews

airborne command, logoAirborne Album Volume I: Parachute Test Platoon to Normandy
airborne command, logoAirborne Album Volume II: 1943-1945 – Normandy to Victory

Robert P. Anzouni

82 airborne, logoI’m The 82nd Airborne Division!

Mark Bando

101 airborne, logoThe 101st Airborne at Normandy
101 airborne, logo101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles at Normandy
101 airborne, logo101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles in World War II
101 airborne, logoAvenging Eagles
101 airborne, logoVanguard of the Crusade
101 airborne, logoThe 101st Airborne From Holland to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest

Robert Bowen

101 airborne, logoFighting with the Screaming Eagles

Martin J. Bayley

airborne command, logoAmerican Web Equipment 1910-1967

Donald Burgett

101 airborne, logoCurrahee! A Screaming Eagle at Normandy
101 airborne, logoThe Road to Arnhem: A Screaming Eagle in Holland
101 airborne, logoSeven Roads to Hell: A Screaming Eagle at Bastogne
101 airborne, logoBeyond the Rhine: A Screaming Eagle in Germany

Dwayne T. Burns

82 airborne, logoJump Into The Valley Of The Shadow

T. Moffatt Burriss

82 airborne, logoStrike and Hold

Lynn Compton, Marcus Brotherton

101 airborne, logoCall of Duty

Laurence Critchell

101 airborne, logoFour Stars Of Hell

Brian L. Davis

17 airborne, logo82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoUS Airborne Forces: Europe 1942-45

W. Forrest Dawson

82 airborne, logoSaga of the All American

Michel De Trez

82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoAmerican Warriors
82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoAt The Point Of No Return
101 airborne, logoThe Way We Were: Cpl. Forrest L. Guth
101 airborne, logoThe Legendary Cricket of D-Day
82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoSainte Mere Eglise
airborne command, logoAmerican Paratrooper Helmets

Christophe Deschodt, Laurent Rauger

82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoD-Day Paratroopers – The Americans

Henry Enjames

airborne command, logoG.I. Collectors Guide, Volume I
airborne command, logoG.I. Collectors Guide, Volume II

Dominique Francois

82 airborne, logo82nd Airborne in Normandy: A History in Period Photographs
101 airborne, logo101st Airborne in Normandy: A History in Period Photographs
17 airborne, logo82 airborne, logo507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
82 airborne, logo508th Parachute Infantry Regiment

Ian Gardner, Roger Day

101 airborne, logoTonight We Die As Men

Ian Gardner

101 airborne, logoDeliver US From Darkness
101 airborne, logo No Victory in Valhalla
101 airborne, logoThe Airborne: Combat Story of Ed Shames of Easy Company

Regis Giard, Frederic Blais

airborne command, logoHelmets of the ETO, A Historical & Technical Guide

Gunter G. Gillot Jr.

airborne command, logoAirborne: ETO-MTO. 1940-1945

Edward Heffron, Robyn Post, William Guarnere

101 airborne, logoBrothers in Battle, Best of Friends

Gary Howard

airborne command, logoAmerica’s Finest II

Richard Killblane, Jake McNiece

101 airborne, logoThe Filthy Thirteen

George E. Koskimaki

101 airborne, logoD-Day with the Screaming Eagles
101 airborne, logoHell’s Highway
101 airborne, logoThe Battered Bastards of Bastogne

Leonard Lebenson

82 airborne, logoSurrounded by Heroes

Benoit Lelandais

82 airborne, logoFrom Heaven to Hell

Don Malarkey, Bob Welch

101 airborne, logoEasy Company Soldier

S. L. A. Marshall

101 airborne, logoBastogne – The First Eight Days

Charles J. Masters

82 airborne, logoGlidermen of Neptune

James Megellas

82 airborne, logoAll The Way to Berlin

Lewis Milkovics

82 airborne, logoThe Devils Have Landed

Jeff Moran

Pathfinder, logoAmerican Airborne Pathfinders

Martin K. a. Morgan

82 airborne, logoDown to Earth

Robert M. Murphy

82 airborne, logoNo Better Place To Die

Mark J. Nelson

First Special Service Force, logo82 airborne, logoWith The Black Devils

Hugh Nibley, Alex Nibley

101 airborne, logoSergeant Nibley PhD

Phil Nordyke

82 airborne, logoAll American All The Way: The Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II
82 airborne, logoAll American All The Way: From Market Garden to Berlin
82 airborne, logoFour Stars of Valor
82 airborne, logoMore Than Courage

Peter Oosterman

airborne command, logoM-1 Helmet

D. R. Pay

17 airborne, logoThunder From Heaven

David J. Phillips

101 airborne, logoThe Epic of the 101st Airborne

Leonard Rapport, Arthur Northwood

101 airborne, logoRendezvous with Destiny: History of the 101st Airborne Division

Bill Rentz

airborne command, logoGERONIMO! U.S Airborne Uniforms, Insignia & Equipment in World War II

Guy Richards

airborne command, logoWorld War II Troop Type Parachutes Allies: U.S., Britain, Russia

Robert Todd Ross

airborne command, logoParachute Rifle Company

Gordon L. Rottman

First Special Service Force, logo82 airborne, logoUS Airborne Units in Mediterranean Theater 1942-44

Gordon L. Rottman, Ron Volstad

Pairborne command, logoUS Army Airborne 1940-90

Carl Smith

airborne command, logoUS Paratrooper 1941-45

Shelby Stanton

airborne command, logoUS Army Uniforms of World War II

William True

airborne command, logoThe Cow Spoke French

Mike Verier

82 airborne, logo82nd Airborne Division

Guy C. Whidden, II; Julia Ann Whidden; K. Bradley Whidden

101 airborne, logoBetween the Lines and Beyond: Letters of a WWII 101st Airborne Paratrooper

Spencer Wurst, Gayle Wurst

82 airborne, logoDescending From The Clouds

Steven J. Zaloga

17 airborne, logo82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoUS Airborne Divisions In The ETO: 1944-1945

Matthew Pellett

101 airborne, logo Last Stop Before Destinity: The 101st Airborne Division in England 1943-44

Kevin Delaitre

101 airborne, logo   Albert Blithe (1923-1967)

Literatura polskojęzyczna:

Larry Alexander

101 airborne, logoNajwiększy Brat

Stephen Ambrose

101 airborne, logoKompania Braci
82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoD-Day: 6 czerwca 1944
17 airborne, logo82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoObywatele w mundurach

Cornelius Ryan

82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoNajdłuższy dzień
82 airborne, logo101 airborne, logoO jeden most za daleko

David Kenyon Webster

101 airborne, logoKompania Spadochronowa

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